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Some Important Oil Seeds And Their Oils

In World various oil seeds are produced. These oil seeds have considerable variations in their composition and oil quantities available depending on the climate, soil, variety of seeds, region etc. Following Chart gives an indication of the range of total oil available in various seeds.

Coconut 50-60
Cotton Seed 20-25
Castor Seed 30-35
Groundnut Kernal 40-45
Gokhru 30-33
Karanj 27-39
Linseed 32-43
Maize 10
Mahua 50-55
Niger 38-50
Neem 42-45
Okraseed 15-20
Palm Kernal 50-55
Poppyseed 40-50
Pilu/Khakan 40-43
Rai 30-42
Rape seed/Mustard 40-45
Rubber seed 42-50
Sesame seed 50-57
Soyabeen Seed 15-20
Sufflower 28
Sunflower 35-40
Sarson Yellow 35-48
Sarson Brown 35-48
Toria 40-45
Taramira 30-35
Tobacco seed 33-48
Tea Seed 48

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